Thursday 29 October 2020

Red brick cafe ☕☕๐Ÿ•๐ŸŒฎ

Champa Gali, a capital hidden gem is situated in the quirky streets of Saidulajab.

Tucked away in Lane no. 3 of the quiet little village of Said-ul-Ajaib, Champa 

Nearest Metro Station: Saket, Gate No. 2

Champa Gali in Saket is a culturally aesthetic chic space, which has become a perfect go-to place in the recent times for getting away from the chaos of the city.. 

Without wasting much time, explore the hidden gem in gallies of Saidulajaib, red brick cafe in champa gali.. 


Red Bricks cafe is very cute little place located at champa gali.. 

If you are looking for a complete different ambience.. Red brick cafe is a good place try their..

Hidden from the hustle bustle of the city hullabaloo, this is a beautiful gem

interiors are breath taking and there’s an outside seating arrangement as well. The food is equally spectacular...

 It offers a flavorful blend of American and European cuisine.. 

The ambience of the place makes up for whatever complaints can be made about this place. But you might want to skip driving and take the metro/auto/cab as parking is an issue.. 

Nearest Metro Station: Saket, Gate No. 2.. 

So head over to Red brick cafe this weekend with your friends, or with a book or laptop for some coffee, calm and conversation..... 

Friday 23 October 2020

Thanks to our guru(teachers) ❤️❤️๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

This pandemic has isolated everyone, it’s affected everyone’s mental health and all I want is for our community to feel connected. Remind our teachers and families that they’re not alone and we are truly all in this together. I just wish it didn’t take a pandemic for everyone to realize how important teachers really are and for them to be valued.”

Our teachers truly work hard during school hours and during lockdown, they’re working even harder to make sure that we know what we’re doing,”

“Thank you (teachers) for what you do everyday ๐Ÿ™For selflessly loving our kids, for investing in their present so that they may have amazing futures. Thank you for caring about them beyond tardies and grades. Thank you seems so inadequate for all that you all do, so I hope that we can help make this a little easier and bring a little light into this hard time.”

1. You’re still teaching... 

Even though it may not feel like it sometimes, you’re teaching. Right now our kids are learning social-emotional skills that no curriculum could account for.

That Google Meet that didn’t work out? It wasn’t a mess. It was a learning opportunity. Our kids learned that it’s OK to fail and try again another day.

You’re finding ways to connect with your students and their families, even as you’re trying to take care of yourself and your own family. Our kids are learning empathy and compassion from you—a skill we’re all learning and practicing right now.

2. You’re creating history.

You’re the first teachers to tackle a challenge like the one we’re facing now. Years from now, 2020 will be remembered as the year we all learned how to live life at a distance from each other and continue to function as a society.

Pause a moment and realize that what you’re doing matters. It matters not just for the students you have in your classes today, but also for the future. You’re part of large-scale systemic change and are making history.

3. You may be grieving the loss of “normal.”

This is the time of year when you tend to see your class come together as a unit that knows how to work together, learn together, and laugh together.

4. You have expertise. 

You’re learning new ways of presenting information and trying to make it so that all students can access it. You’re figuring out what teaching looks like when “school” has become “schooling.”

You have a place in our kids’ lives. Whether they’re groaning about doing the work you’ve assigned, anxiously awaiting a phone call from you, or gleefully trying to get your attention during your virtual class meeting, it’s because you matter. 

Teachers, parents can’t replace you. You are essential. Take care of yourself. Be well. Try your best. And thank you for being there.

The students have been suddenly been exposed to online teaching and learning due to the pandemic. Each child is unique and they learn differently at their own pace; some are visual learners, some learn effectively through listening and following, some through experiments and so on.

It is said that ‘Every dark cloud has a silver lining’, which in this scenario can be attributed to the online teaching platforms which have come to our rescue. The situation threatened to spiral out of control as the ‘lockdown’ was extended repeatedly.. 

Sunday 18 October 2020

Stay positive ๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ™❤️


You have a rough start to the day.

Or the week. Or the year.

How do you bounce back?

How do you get things back on track?

Sometimes it’s all about bringing a positive attitude.

Negative to Positive

When things get tough or don’t go your way, do you react by getting even more upset?

Getting angry doesn’t solve anything. Neither does complaining.

Life is 10% what happens to me, and 90% how I react to it.

– Charles Swindoll

I couldn’t agree more with this famous quote.

Can you bring your positive attitude when you need it the most?

Positive Beats Negative

When things are going south, you need to turn your attitude around and head the other direction.

But, how do you turn on your positive attitude when everything around you seems negative?

Here are 10 Ways to Bring Your Positive Attitude When You Need it the Most:

Choose to Be Happy – 

This may sound clichรฉ, but that’s because it is true. Your happiness is up to you. Many people forget this. Truly successful people choose happiness no matter what their immediate circumstances.

Say “Yes, Let’s!” – 

I learned this magical phrase years ago while taking a comedy improv course. In improv comedy, one of the techniques is never to “stop” where another comedian is going with a thought. Saying “No” isn’t funny. “Yes, let’s!” continues the story. The same is true in life. Don’t be a “stop” to the exciting things going on around you. Instead, of saying “I don’t know” or “maybe”… try “Yes, let’s!”

Smile -

Smiling is one of those universal things that is preprogrammed in all of us. Doubt this? Smile at a baby. They smile back. Smile at a stranger in the street. They will smile back, before catching themselves and hustling off.

Be a Problem Solver, Not a Problem Maker – 

This is an important career tip, although it applies to other areas of life as well. Complaining about a problem doesn’t do anyone any good. Often, others are aware of the problem, as well. Instead, try doing something about the problem.

Whistle While You Work

 Ever see someone doing tough work and they are whistling a tune? They are toiling away, but yet they are happy enough to be singing a song? Music can play a magical part in your positive attitude. I use Spotify to ensure that I always have my music with me.

Do Something New – 

Chances are you do the same things every day. You do the same work. You eat the same foods. You wear the same clothes. (Not in a Steve Jobs way…) Shake things up by doing something new. Try a new approach. Take a new path. Even talk to someone new. All of these can pump up your attitude.

Look for the Opportunity – 

Even the worst of circumstances have opportunities. Can you find the opportunity when things look bleak? I once had to leave a company due to an unethical boss. I was devastated at the time, but it led me to look at new careers that I had never considered.

Laugh – 

Like smiling, laughing is also something that is preprogrammed in all of us. (Why do you think that kids find everything funny?) However, along the road of life, many of us have lost our sense of humor. Want to turn around a bad situation? Look it in the eye and laugh. Then do something about it.

Let Anger Go – 

Anger doesn’t help in 99% of situations. In fact, it usually makes things worse. It clouds your judgment. It stresses others. It causes additional friction to whatever is happening. Learn to control your temper. Being calm under stress is a powerful skill.

Learn from Losing – 

No one wins all of the time. Learn from the times that you lose. What can you learn from your missteps? All great champions were once losers at some point. But, they learned. And they kept a positive attitude until they got better.

Absolutely Positively

When you bring your positive attitude, you are a lightning rod for success.

Negative turns to positive. Opportunities open. Serendipity happens.

Bring your positive attitude… and see what magic occurs in your life today.

Saturday 10 October 2020

๐Ÿค—❤️Single parenting ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—❤️❤️

 There are many reasons why a single parent might be raising a family by her or himself, starting with divorce, death and personal choice. Regardless of the reason, single parents face unique challenges that even the most well-adjusted, tuned-in parent can struggle with. I know from personal experience that single parents need support to make their lives and the lives of their children easier, happier and less stressful...

Here are some ways to increase your child’s happiness if you are a single parent:

1. Create routines.... 

Schedules and structure make things easier for children because they will know what to expect and that predictability will lower stress for everyone in the household. As my children were growing up, they had a set bedtime and routines that included having lunch boxes and backpacks by the door the night before. We even had weekend routines that included lazy mornings of TV watching and picnic breakfasts...

2. Load up on love, praise and attention...

๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—Many single parents deal with financial challenges and the guilt of not being able to provide everything you or your children might want. Your children do not need lavish gifts, expensive outings, expensive tennis shoes or to go to the priciest summer camp. Instead, they need quality time, affection and memory-making experiences. Consider free or low-cost activities such as going on nature walks and taking pictures or baking several kinds of cookies on a weekend afternoon...๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—

3. Teach gratitude.. 

Children in single-parent families sometimes become acutely aware of things they are missing that other families have. I have often heard children complain about having less money, or two places to visit for the holidays, or that they do not have two parents at a school event, etc. If children (or any of us for that matter) spend too much time focused on the holes in our lives we can end up unhappy and even depressed. While these issues may be realities, it is important to take time to focus on the positives. Teach your kids to appreciate what they do have, whether it is the roof over their head; gifts for their birthdays; or a parent who makes them a sack lunch every day, helps them with homework and watches their favorite television show with them. Here is one great exercise to boost gratitude: At Friday night family dinners, go around the table and say what you are thankful for... 

4. Pat yourself and your kids on the back.. 

As a single parent, we are often too hard on ourselves and on our kids. We can get so wrapped up in balancing and juggling it all that we forget to take time out for praise. Give yourself and your children credit for your efforts and hard work. Have an afternoon applause session for you and your child because you quizzed him or her for hours and the result was an A❤️❤️Before dinner each night or even once a week take time out to compliment each other.๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿฅฐ.

5. Connect with similar families.

All parents need some grown-up time, and all children need some time to be influenced and entertained by others. Connect with another single parent who has kids close in age and take turns watching each other’s children, having sleepovers and doing activities together. When my kids were young, another single mom and I did three activities each month: One where I had all of the kids and she had a break, one where she had the kids and I got some grown up time, and one where both of our families did things together. We made sure to plan fun and interesting outings or activities for the kids, such as trips to the zoo or museum. ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ„‍♀️๐Ÿ„‍♀️๐Ÿšฃ๐Ÿ‡⛷️. We saved money on babysitting while providing our kids with fun and a close bond with other children in the neighborhood. Plus, they had three fun activities with another family to look forward to each month!

Monday 5 October 2020

we miss u sushant (manny) ❤️๐Ÿ’”


So free, so child-like, pure hearted, vibrant, constantly searching, seeking and exploring, spreading his wings for higher depths...

we as fans and viewers have only seen you smile, laugh, and act. We haven’t seen the other side. And we can’t even imagine what it looks like. The news of your demise was one of the most heartbreaking news we’ve ever come across. Every day, when we wake up, we pray and wish that it was a nightmare and you’re here with us. But looks like this bad dream isn’t going to end. Looks like we’ll not be able to see the most beautiful smile ever again. We still can’t believe that you’re no more with us, that you left us so early.

You didn’t act to earn money, you didn’t act for fame. You acted because you loved to. You not only loved acting, but you also loved to know the working of the universe. You were talented, humble, hard-working, good looking, and intelligent all at the same time. How can someone be so perfect, Sushant?

You know, none of your movies or shows will remain the same. We’d be crying even in the happiest scenes. For the first time, we’ll cry seeing you on-screen. But your magical, contagious smile….it will still make us remember you with a happy face.

There are some journalists, who’re saying that you were mentally ill so you took this step. We’re sorry for their behavior. We know this is false, all of us know it. Don’t worry, we’re not going to believe their fake news pieces because we truly believe in you. We believe in your pure soul and golden heart. Usually, celebrities are loved because they’re good looking and talented in respective fields of work. But Sushant, other than your acting and good looks, we love you for the person you were. You were one of those rarest or probably the only celebrity who used to follow their fans on social media platforms. You used to reply to all our comments. You used to donate funds for good causes. You never let us feel that we were a mere fan of yours, you made us feel like your family. You were a true gentleman to all your leading ladies and such a good companion to your male co-stars.

We are very sorry Sushant that this world was so cruel to you. We’re sorry that we couldn’t keep a talent, a man, a wonderful soul, and a sharp mind like you. We couldn’t keep you happy. All of us bow down and apologize for not being able to give you what you deserved. You didn’t deserve to meet this end. We’re sorry because we failed as an industry, we failed as journalists, we failed as fellow actors, we failed as an audience. We failed you Sushant. And we’re sorry.

Sushant you were too good for us, we didn’t deserve you. After all, angels don’t live on earth.

Thank you for giving us some beautiful movies and shows, thank you for showing us how to be a good person, thank you for inspiring us, thankyou For making us believe in hard work and thank you for loving us back...

We know you loved the space and the stars, is it the reason why you went up there, to become the youngest and brightest star? Or was God running out of beautiful smiles so He called you, to take inspiration from the best smile He has ever made?

We miss you Sushant, and with each passing day, we miss you more. We hope that you’re reborn as a black hole, exactly like you wanted to. But you’ll remain in our hearts as Sushant Singh Rajput, till the end of time. The legacy you’ve left behind will always shine as bright as the stars in the night sky. You’re truly immortal for us. We love you, as much as you loved to act. We will always love you. Rest in peace, Sushant Singh Rajput

I don't know Tamil bt this is for sure that I will never forget the word and its meaning.. ๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”

Seri ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’”

life of single mom❤️

Loneliness is one of the most common emotions shared by single moms.. ๐Ÿ˜Šas we struggle to rebuild a social life. It's hard not to feel isolated when you sense that your coupled friends are busy. You even start blaming yourself for your circumstances.

But there's reason to be hopeful. Here, Circle of Moms members share several ways to help alleviate the feelings of isolation and start building new relationships.

1. Remember, You are Not Alone. 

Understanding that you are not alone helps single moms recover from the feeling that something is wrong with them or that they are not normal, say Circle of Moms members. It's a first step to rebuilding your confidence and knowing that it's not just happening to you.. 
 "Raising a kid alone is really hard, but probably the best thing you can do is make yourself better. We single moms should not dwell on sadness or depression at times and the feeling that we are alone in this world. We are not. In fact, we have friends and families. You can study more, or open up a business that you are really interested in. Or take the time to teach your baby and show her the world. . . . take each day as it comes but do not forget to make plans for you and your baby. That's the most important thing...

2. Lean on Your Support Network

Finding yourself suddenly alone as a single mom is when it is most important to take your friends and family up on offers for support..

One of my friend started to make a few friends around my house and it got less lonely," she shares. "I also called some of my friends, both [some] who are parents and [some] who are not, and [got] together with them a few times a week. Make sure to make time with friends and family when you can, and just go day by day.".. 

3. Stay Busy

 keeping yourself busy can ease the initial sting of being and feeling alone.
The only way I keep my sanity is by never sitting still..
 if there is nothing good on TV, I clean the house, iron clothes, and do crosswords. Again, anything to stop me thinking. Then, when I know I am that tired that I will fall straight asleep, I go to bed."

4.. Focus on the Positive

"Having no one to share the joys and sorrows with can be a lonely feeling. But, I try to think of the positive things..
 I am providing a safe place for my children to fall. I know they will always reach out to me and they rely on [me] as the most special person in their world. In the end, I know I will be stronger for having survived all of this. It doesn't change the loneliness but it helps [me] cope."

5.. Put Your Energy into Your Kids

One strategy to block the pain of loneliness is to focus in on your children's lives.. 
Throw yourself into being a mommy, but don't forget that you are a woman too, with your own needs. Sunday nights are 'me' nights. I do the whole beauty thing - scrub moisturizing, things to make me feel good about myself."

6. Reach Out...

Don't wait for friends – new or old – to come looking for you, recommend several Circle of Moms members. Being a single mom is about being courageous on a number of fronts.

Some specific suggestions include joining support groups for single moms, book clubs and other activities you might be interested in. join single parent support groups to be a salve for loneliness"It helps a lot when you become friends with single parents [who] are going through the same thing you are going through because you know that you are not the only one [who] is having a rough life."..

7. Allow Yourself to Grow

Dealing with loneliness, and overcoming it can be a life-changing event that shows your children you have a lot of courage. To start, you have to learn how to take care of yourself and manage feelings that would otherwise drag you down.
 You can't ignore your sadness but you can't let it drag you down too often. Every so often let your self have a good cry, but then brush it off and push on. Remember, nothing lasts forever. I have realized that this time alone has changed me: I am stronger and more self-sufficient than I ever was before. I know I can do most anything on my own..

Sunday 4 October 2020

How to stay positive in difficult times๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ‘

2020 has been a difficult year for most people – there are more stressors about physical health, many people are suffering financial difficulty, and you may have found lockdown difficult to deal with. With so much going on in the world, and so many negative news stories, it’s sometimes easy to forget that there are plenty of day to day difficulties that we faced even before COVID, wildfires, and political disruptions. All of these have a chance of impacting your mental health and resilience, which is why it’s important to check in with your feelings and make sure that you’re taking the time to build yourself up.

First, tell yourself it is okay to feel down

The first thing to do when you feel down is to acknowledge that not feeling okay is, in fact, completely okay. All of our feelings are temporary states that cannot be kept forever. We cannot be happy every minute of every day and that means sometimes we are going to feel unmotivated or sad.

The first step in staying positive when things don’t feel right is to acknowledge that it is perfectly acceptable to feel down every now and then. It’s a normal part of the emotional spectrum and, in fact, it’s unhealthy to try to feel happy all the time. It’s especially natural if you haven’t seen your loved ones for a while and your usual routines and support systems are disrupted.

Here are some answers to a complex question: 

Be aware of your feelings and your responses to different circumstances

Practice thinking and talking before acting..

Gain an understanding of your negative responses which may undermine your positivity and resilience over time..

Create a decision-making framework that helps you cope in difficult circumstances..

Focus on solutions to problems and improve your mental flexibility

Practice good self-care to avoid feeling overwhelmed

Allow yourself to fail without treating it like a defining moment or characteristic

Friday 2 October 2020

Sushant singh rajput (manny) small town boy with big dreams

 “Hum haar jeet, success failure mein itna ulajh gaye hain ki zindagi jeena bhool gaye hain… zindagi mein agar kuch sab se zyada important hai…toh woh hai khud zindagi.”๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”

This line certainly renders very beautiful and important message that life is very much significant above all but the person who delivered this message is no more in this world.

Sushant Singh Rajput was the rising star of our Bollywood industry but unfortunately his sudden demise has shocked us all. With his charming smile and elegant personality.

This Bihari boy won many hearts with his acting skills and versatility. Apart from being an actor, he was also a dancer, entrepreneur

Sushant started his acting career with television serials from Star Plus’s romantic drama Kis Desh Mein Hai Mera Dil in 2003, followed by one of the most popular and award-winning performance Zee TV’s popular soap opera Pavitra Rishta for which he won Best Actor in a Lead Role.

He started climbing the ladder of success when his first debut film ‘Kai Po Che’ was released in 2013 which made him enter in Filmfare Award nomination for Best Male Debut. His supporting role as ‘Sarfaraz’ in PK which was well applauded. His titular role in the sports biopic M.S. Dhoni: The Untold Story made him enter in nomination list of Best Actor in Filmfare Awards and was also awarded in India Film Festival of Melbourne. His other big hits was Kedarnath and Chhichoore where he once again proved his acting skills and alluring personality. Sushant’s fim Dil Bechara, a remake of The Fault In Our Stars which was scheduled to be released in May, 2020 but was postponed due to COVID-19 pandemic. This young lad was also signed by NITI Ayog to promote the Women Enterpreneurship Platform and was involved in various programmes like Sushant4education to help young students.

Sushant was also an exceptionally smart student in his college days. He ranked 7th in the DCE entrance exam in 2003, and secured admission in A Bachelor of Engineering class. But after he started participating in theater and dance, he rarely had time for studies, resulting him several backlog which ultimately made him leave DCE.

The aura and charisma with which this incredible gem carried himself is incomparable. The entertainment industry would never be able to snag someone like him ever again, he was one of a kind who managed to leave an imprint on everyone’s heart with his easy, charming smile.

Janam kab lena hai aur marna kab hai ... hum decide nahi kar sakte ... par kaise jeena hai ... woh hum decide kar sakte hai๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜’

Our birth and our death ... we don't decide that ... but how to live life ... we can decide that

Sushant Singh Rajput, you will live in our hearts forever❤️❤️๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ˜


           Sidharth shukla  ( King)  We can call him king because he Ilved like a king..  His attitude, his stand for the right thing n his...