Friday 23 October 2020

Thanks to our guru(teachers) ❤️❤️πŸ™πŸ™

This pandemic has isolated everyone, it’s affected everyone’s mental health and all I want is for our community to feel connected. Remind our teachers and families that they’re not alone and we are truly all in this together. I just wish it didn’t take a pandemic for everyone to realize how important teachers really are and for them to be valued.”

Our teachers truly work hard during school hours and during lockdown, they’re working even harder to make sure that we know what we’re doing,”

“Thank you (teachers) for what you do everyday πŸ™For selflessly loving our kids, for investing in their present so that they may have amazing futures. Thank you for caring about them beyond tardies and grades. Thank you seems so inadequate for all that you all do, so I hope that we can help make this a little easier and bring a little light into this hard time.”

1. You’re still teaching... 

Even though it may not feel like it sometimes, you’re teaching. Right now our kids are learning social-emotional skills that no curriculum could account for.

That Google Meet that didn’t work out? It wasn’t a mess. It was a learning opportunity. Our kids learned that it’s OK to fail and try again another day.

You’re finding ways to connect with your students and their families, even as you’re trying to take care of yourself and your own family. Our kids are learning empathy and compassion from you—a skill we’re all learning and practicing right now.

2. You’re creating history.

You’re the first teachers to tackle a challenge like the one we’re facing now. Years from now, 2020 will be remembered as the year we all learned how to live life at a distance from each other and continue to function as a society.

Pause a moment and realize that what you’re doing matters. It matters not just for the students you have in your classes today, but also for the future. You’re part of large-scale systemic change and are making history.

3. You may be grieving the loss of “normal.”

This is the time of year when you tend to see your class come together as a unit that knows how to work together, learn together, and laugh together.

4. You have expertise. 

You’re learning new ways of presenting information and trying to make it so that all students can access it. You’re figuring out what teaching looks like when “school” has become “schooling.”

You have a place in our kids’ lives. Whether they’re groaning about doing the work you’ve assigned, anxiously awaiting a phone call from you, or gleefully trying to get your attention during your virtual class meeting, it’s because you matter. 

Teachers, parents can’t replace you. You are essential. Take care of yourself. Be well. Try your best. And thank you for being there.

The students have been suddenly been exposed to online teaching and learning due to the pandemic. Each child is unique and they learn differently at their own pace; some are visual learners, some learn effectively through listening and following, some through experiments and so on.

It is said that ‘Every dark cloud has a silver lining’, which in this scenario can be attributed to the online teaching platforms which have come to our rescue. The situation threatened to spiral out of control as the ‘lockdown’ was extended repeatedly.. 


  1. Very good post about thanking the teachers. Nicely written. Keep up the good work.

  2. Great post! Teachers are doing a phenomenal job and more work lies ahead for them unfortunately. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thnx dear.. Pls follow n i will follow u back..

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