Monday 5 October 2020

life of single mom❤️

Loneliness is one of the most common emotions shared by single moms.. 😊as we struggle to rebuild a social life. It's hard not to feel isolated when you sense that your coupled friends are busy. You even start blaming yourself for your circumstances.

But there's reason to be hopeful. Here, Circle of Moms members share several ways to help alleviate the feelings of isolation and start building new relationships.

1. Remember, You are Not Alone. 

Understanding that you are not alone helps single moms recover from the feeling that something is wrong with them or that they are not normal, say Circle of Moms members. It's a first step to rebuilding your confidence and knowing that it's not just happening to you.. 
 "Raising a kid alone is really hard, but probably the best thing you can do is make yourself better. We single moms should not dwell on sadness or depression at times and the feeling that we are alone in this world. We are not. In fact, we have friends and families. You can study more, or open up a business that you are really interested in. Or take the time to teach your baby and show her the world. . . . take each day as it comes but do not forget to make plans for you and your baby. That's the most important thing...

2. Lean on Your Support Network

Finding yourself suddenly alone as a single mom is when it is most important to take your friends and family up on offers for support..

One of my friend started to make a few friends around my house and it got less lonely," she shares. "I also called some of my friends, both [some] who are parents and [some] who are not, and [got] together with them a few times a week. Make sure to make time with friends and family when you can, and just go day by day.".. 

3. Stay Busy

 keeping yourself busy can ease the initial sting of being and feeling alone.
The only way I keep my sanity is by never sitting still..
 if there is nothing good on TV, I clean the house, iron clothes, and do crosswords. Again, anything to stop me thinking. Then, when I know I am that tired that I will fall straight asleep, I go to bed."

4.. Focus on the Positive

"Having no one to share the joys and sorrows with can be a lonely feeling. But, I try to think of the positive things..
 I am providing a safe place for my children to fall. I know they will always reach out to me and they rely on [me] as the most special person in their world. In the end, I know I will be stronger for having survived all of this. It doesn't change the loneliness but it helps [me] cope."

5.. Put Your Energy into Your Kids

One strategy to block the pain of loneliness is to focus in on your children's lives.. 
Throw yourself into being a mommy, but don't forget that you are a woman too, with your own needs. Sunday nights are 'me' nights. I do the whole beauty thing - scrub moisturizing, things to make me feel good about myself."

6. Reach Out...

Don't wait for friends – new or old – to come looking for you, recommend several Circle of Moms members. Being a single mom is about being courageous on a number of fronts.

Some specific suggestions include joining support groups for single moms, book clubs and other activities you might be interested in. join single parent support groups to be a salve for loneliness"It helps a lot when you become friends with single parents [who] are going through the same thing you are going through because you know that you are not the only one [who] is having a rough life."..

7. Allow Yourself to Grow

Dealing with loneliness, and overcoming it can be a life-changing event that shows your children you have a lot of courage. To start, you have to learn how to take care of yourself and manage feelings that would otherwise drag you down.
 You can't ignore your sadness but you can't let it drag you down too often. Every so often let your self have a good cry, but then brush it off and push on. Remember, nothing lasts forever. I have realized that this time alone has changed me: I am stronger and more self-sufficient than I ever was before. I know I can do most anything on my own..

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